logo8e Download TwistFlex

Environment specifications:

This program can be compiled on any POSIX system, but only tested on a Linux operating system.

Opening the tar file:

The tar file should be opened using the command:
tar -xvzf TwistFlex.tgz

A new directory named TwistFlex will be created.
The TwistFlex directory will contain two files: 'analyze' and README.

Files in the tar file:

1) analyze - the executable file

2) README - some explanation about the TwistFlex program.
3) include folder - old C++ header files, may be needed for compilation (see next).

4) Rest of the files are the source files and header files.

Download TwistFlex:

Download the TwistFlex program

Compiling TwistFlex:

TwistFlex depends on some C++-header files that may not be on all modern-day standard linux systems.

if compilation fails, try to copy all the content of the "include" folder into /usr/include (root privileges needed). Those include files are part of libstdc++2.9 and can be found at libstdc++'s mirror site.

After that, only "make" is required.

Run the TwistFlex program:

1) To use the TwistFlex program, open the tar file and run the executable file with the 'analyze' command.

2) The TwistFlex program asks the user for parameters. Please follow the instruction given during the execution.


  • The download version of the program can only accept sequences in GCG format or one line format.
    FASTA format sequences can not be used.

  • Important: The available memory in the user's computer determines the maximal length of a sequence that can be analyzed by the program.

  • The input file should be in the same directory as the executable file. It can not be opened from any other directory.

  • The output files are written in the directory from which the execution of the program is done.
    The output files overwrite files with the same name, so don't give the same output name in two different executions.

  • Copyright ©, 1997, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved.